• (918) 728-8800
  • kaci@performacu.com
  • Tulsa, OK

3 Benefits of Acupuncture

Kaci Coffee, L.Ac. is now scheduling patients at PCC for Acupuncture and Functional Medicine. There are infinite ways these systems of medicine can benefit you, but I’ll share three ways that I get asked about most often. 

Pain Relief: Acupuncture improves blood flow throughout the entire body. The blood contains analgesics (painkillers), anti-inflammatories, nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and immune substances which fight infection. If blood flow is restricted to a particular area, healing can’t occur. No blood flow, no healing.

Immune Support: Clinical studies show acupuncture can improve white blood cell and stem cell production while reducing inflammation and cortisol levels which are essential for a healthy immune system.

Lymphatic Support: The lymphatic system is part of the larger circulatory system and includes lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, and lymph fluid. Its main function is to remove waste, viruses, bacteria, etc from the fluid in between the cells. Acupuncture improves lymphatic health by improving blood flow and fluid metabolism which enables that waste to be removed more effectively. Hydration, exercise, and avoiding toxins are also important factors for lymphatic health. 

Kaci can further support your health journey with Functional Medicine which includes blood work evaluation and a personalized treatment plan to address your specific health concerns. My goal is always to address the root of an imbalance or disease so that lasting health can be achieved and maintained.